, it's been awhile since I blogged. I hardly know what to say sometimes, and other times, it seems what I have to say isn't that important.
I always worry that in blogging, I'm being somewhat narcissistic. As in, "Look at me..look at what I have to say...". That may be the case in certain instances...other times, I truly love to write. Whether time allows me that is another thing.
Then, in order to take the focus off of myself, I'll update about our beautiful kids..
We are almost done with the first quarter of school. That's always an adjustment period. After a baby, it's even more so. I have one child with reading delays and mild dyslexia. She requires a lot of my time still, even though she is in the third grade. She's made leaps and bounds over the past few years, but she still requires much. We have a wonderful, absolute amazing friend who is a reading specialist who has been tutoring her for FREE for almost two years. I don't know what we would have done without her help, because honestly her needs were greater than what I could provide. This same beautiful soul is now also battling breast could you offer up a small prayer for her? She is a mom of six, used to home school, and now helps other home schooling families on a barter system, so they don't have to pay. She has kept this up throughout her treatments. Amazing.
David's school year started off well, but now we are back to our normal place this time of the school year...with behavioral problems. With autism, sometimes you just want to run and bury you head in the sand, because you resolve one issue, and it just pops back up later. It's like they build up an immunity to it, and your left scratching your head, then throwing your hands in the air, just ready to give up. David will be seven next month, and I think God has given my husband and I the grace of just accepting the situation (or situations) as they are. There is nothing we can do, except deal with each situation as best as we can, work with the teachers, aides, and staff at his school, and continue to pray. I was reading the meditation this morning on the three theological virtues. Hope was one I lingered on, and Psalm 43 came to mind:
Why are you downcast, my soul?
Why do you groan within me?
Wait for God, for I shall again praise him,
my savior and my God.
We did start him on medication. After three years of biomedical treatments, we had to realize that something more was needed. It seemed to help..a lot, initially. Now, not so much. The doctor fears he has build up a tolerance to it. We are moving on to another one, which has a big upswing, but more side effects. Again...all in God's hand. His IEP on December 12th. Our Lady of Guadalupe. He is, though, the one who will be first in heaven. I see the face of God in him...or I beg God to help me see it some days...most days. He is in a world none of us can understand, so a lot of times we don't understand his way of coping. When you get him out of that fog just shines.

Our sweet Sonja, who is three and a half now, is still not talking. She has no where near the behavioral issues that David far, it seems, just no speech. She ADORES her baby sister. It's actually quite adorable to watch them interact. I still have fears about her being on the spectrum as well, but if she is, I think she will be a bit "easier". She loves to be read to, she seeks out company, and has such a laid back disposition. She has no problem with transitions, or anything 'autism' like. Just the regression in speech...She will be starting pre K soon for services, as we couldn't afford the private speech therapy anymore. Such is life, accepting things as they are, as they come. I'm thinking she's going to enjoy being in a classroom setting.

My oldest will be 13 in just four short months. 13! I cannot express what a joy this child is to me, in so many ways. She is my right hand, my friend, my co pilot. She is a hard worker, always aiming to please. So much so that sometimes I have to tell her to stop working and go relax. She is doing so well academically, as well with swimming. We are hopeful she will make the swim team at our club, as she's been working hard these past two years in the swim clinic. She got to go to her first swim meet two weeks ago, and was HOOKED. It was wonderful to see her in her element. She did well against the other swimmers, considering it was her first time. I see a bright future ahead of her with that. She is a wonderful writer as well, and a vivacious reader. She begs me to take her to the library, so she can devour her next book (something I had to do in between errands last night...she wouldn't stop pestering me!). Oh, and a teenager means FREE BABYSITTING (yes, more than just a wee bit excited about that one).

My 10 year old son is really coming into his own. I see such a deep river there, much like myself...but different. I am getting the sense that he needs me in a real way these days, and I'm trying to make myself more presentable to him. A tough challenge with so many other kids, especially an infant. I need to set aside some time and take him to a coffee shop and just sit and chat. He is a chatter box for sure (funny, because he also had speech delays...ha!). Boys are very different from girls, and given that this is my first boy, I'm praying that the mistakes I make are few and not too damaging. He is a very thoughtful, loving, and forgiving person, even with the worst of offenses. He seeks to love, and be loved in return. He has a deep love for the Mass, but in his own quiet way (much like his father). He just started serving, and literally signs up for every chance he gets. He has a profound devotion to Padre Pio. Says intercessory prayers to him every night, and has a picture of him on his wall. A part of me sees the possibility of something vocational there, so I'm praying, if there is, that we as parents do what's right to foster that, but to never push our own agenda on him. If God wants him, He will get him. One way or another ;)

My 9 year old is my lover, my peacemaker, my quiet flower. She has such a quiet spirit, and is gentle of soul. She loves her big sister, and it reminds me of the love between St. Therese and Pauline. She loves to draw, to swim, treats, and just being young. There is an innocence about her that I'm just praying lasts as long as it can. She has been our perpetual baby...number three who came along in that third year after having the first....she fit into our family like a glove and has always been such a joy and a light to all of us. She's been the one who has struggled the most in school, and really struggled with the stress of David's issues in the beginning, when they were all so fresh, new, confusing,, they play together. It's incredible to see God's hand in things, especially their relationship. I feared she would grow up resenting, she seeks him out, and he her, and even though his play skills are limited, she works with that, with love and understanding.

And, the wee one. Seven months old on Sunday. The time has flown by, I must say. She is a complete blessing to all of us. I must admit, when I realized I was pregnant with her, it took months...MONTHS for me to accept it. She was a complete surprise. We were always open to life, but given my birth history, my repeated csections (having her was my sixth csection)...and the many other things, I was not ready for another baby. My husband, always the beautiful man that he is, said, "How can you say no to something so wonderful?" I don't know if I could raise all these kids, go through pregnancy, without his love and support. And now..this beautiful child is here, and her smile lights up a room. Dimples! She loves her momma...and momma only now most days. It's exhausting, but I know after being now older, wiser, or just...realizing it doesn't last forever. So, I'm trying to balance self care for myself while making myself as available to this baby as possible. She's with me every waking moment most of the time, and at night. Momma's arms are where it's at. She'll be crawling around soon, which reminds me I need to steam clean the rug.

I guess in regards to a small piece of my own life (my own? That makes me giggle), I have one more year left of discernment for Carmel, and then I make my Final Promise. I cannot believe that six years have almost gone by. God has really put me on a windy, dark, often times frightening road. There was a brief period, after the baby, where I was discerning quitting for a while. Life with six kids has really, really made our days busy. More than we anticipated. It was a constant pull, and sometimes resentment towards my kids, to get prayer in. But, one thing I've learned in discerning is that there will always be the need to step back, re assess, and persevere. I cannot imagine my life without Carmel, and I think God solidified that in my heart. It's a gift to my family as well. I love my community, and they are as much my spiritual family as well. So, when things get off kilter, I beg God's grace to show me His will...even if it's not what I would expect. Is it ever? I'm finding that what I think God's will for me should be is usually the total opposite! His will, His the great St. Teresa says, to stay "on the road".
And this road is quite beautiful....
Love this honest, real post Jen!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right...even homeschoolers can get caught in that *busy* trap of too many activities or feeling like they have to be involved in so much so they are *socialized*. There has to be a happy medium you know?
I wish my daughter had younger siblings. We don't have many children on our street. But God led me to a lovely small Christian homeschool group and we get together for a field trip, or the playground or for fellowship. They are warm, welcoming group with a beautiful mix of Christians and a few Catholics. The children are wonderful, respectful, and I am grateful for these Christian friendships in my daughter's life.
It's great you sensed that and what was best for your family. We have to do that with family parties, etc. because my daughter will get overloaded not to mention her parents : )
I trust God will place the right friends in her life and the right time and I try to not worry much. It's hard to find that balance.
Have a blessed day!
Oh I wish you were close! My older daughters would just scoop up your sweetie, and we wouldn't see them for hours. :) I am grateful my girls have each other. It's my 11 year old son who I have to find friends, mainly because his younger brother is autistic, and doesn't always share the same interests. And I always forget your sweetie has the sensory overload too. So, you get it ;) Balance is always elusive! But, prayer...prayer! I need to start with that first, and trust God will take care of the rest. A blessed day to you as well my friend!